Saturday, December 10, 2011

National Level Seminar at Selvamm Arts and Science College

"Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education"
Selvamm Arts and Science College  IQAC  organized  National Level Seminar under the sponsor of NAAC  - Bangalore.

I have presented  a  paper entitled as "

“Innovative  Styles in the  Erudition of Teaching and Learning”

It was a great experience by meeting lot of educational experts in this seminar. Especially Dr.T.V.Antony  , Rev.Dr.A.Francis Xavier- Principal - Loyala College - Andrapradhesh , and Rev.Dr.S.Xavier Alphonse have given their valuable speech to the participants. Lot of effective teaching methods were discussed  in the seminar. It was very useful and informative to provide qualified higher education in the private colleges. I would like to thank our Principal Dr.K.S.Arulsamy to gave this golden opportunity .  I have given my abstract . Please post your comments.

“Innovative  Styles in the  Erudition of Teaching and Learning”

We require radical changes to ensure that India becomes a global player in education in this era of liberalization and globalization. So we are in the situation to provide quality education by adopting effective and innovative  teaching techniques. I would like to quote an ancient Chinese proverb “Tell me, I forget.   Show me, I remember.  Involve me, I understand.”
I want  to discuss some of the teaching techniques  like Natural Approach in the class room ,  Practical Examples, Show and Tell technique , “Real-Life” Scenarios into the Classroom, Open ended Labs, Guided Design Projects, Flow Chart Technique, Open ended Quizzes, Brain storming technique, Question and Answer method  and Multimedia software and tools .
Teachers should educate the students to understand the concepts and go beyond the knowledge level to higher levels of thinking.  They help them to apply, analyze, and synthesize, to create new knowledge, and solve new problems. So, too, as teachers, we need to recognize our challenge to go beyond knowledge about effective teaching. We need to apply these strategies, analyze what works, and take action to modify or synthesize our learning to help our students learn in a way that works for us as individuals and teams of teachers. The learning community consists of both students and teachers. Students benefit from effective teaching and learning strategies inside and outside the classroom. Students have expressed concern regarding the need for more industrial and practical examples to reinforce theory in the classroom. The use of practical examples can help to connect theory with practical applications for more effective teaching and learning. Introduction of practical examples does not imply an elimination of theory, but rather an enhancement of the theory taught in the classroom. Developing a variety of teaching strategies will help the teachers and students to build a effective learning community.

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